“Echo Hill and Mountain Grove” update: Cousin Cynthia and I are doing the indexing—over 1,500 names. Gary has completed some super maps, 6 family trees in the Appendix, adjusted almost 1,000 photos in photoshop, printed out 2 hard copies (510 pages) and a set of pdfs for proofing (and made all the changes). The actual printing will hopefully happen in 2 or 3 weeks.
It was interesting to me to find a copy of the 1907 Town of Highland Officials. All the ones listed here are mentioned in the upcoming book.
Town Clerk: Wm. H. Wilson
Commissioner: H.C. Toaspern
Assessors: F.B. Owen, Frank Sergeant, George Mills
Inspectors: H.L. Eldred, Alvah Sergeant, George Sidwell, W.B. Styles, J.R. Myers, John Greening; Assistant: Chris Meyer
Truant officers: A.A. Austin, Walter Tether, J.R. Myers
Board Health: W. Whitney, C. Colville
Doctor: Frank I. Smith
Justice: Isaac Sergeant
Fighting fire: Jas. Boyd
Constables: Stephen Wormuth, Robt. Crandall
Fire Warden: M.O. Sergeant
Highway implements: Wm. H. Wilson