1881, Pure and Silver Gloss Cornstarch

1881 Ad in the Summer Excursion Booklet.
1881 Ad in the Summer Excursion Booklet.
For the Laundry, is the best and most economical in the world.

Is perfectly pure, free from Acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen.

Is stronger than any other, requiring much less quantity in using.

Is uniform, stiffens and finishes work always the same.

Kingsford’s PulverizedCorn Starch for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, etc., is pure and delicate.

Preferable to Bermuda Arrowroot.

When you ask for Kingsford’s Oswego Starch, see that you get it, as inferior kinds are often substituted.

Sold by all First-class Grocers everwhere.

T. Kingsford & Son, Oswego, New York

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