Addie Thompson, N.Y.C., to Mary Ann Austin, Eldred, N.Y.
November 24, 1898
Dear Aunt Mary,
At last I seat myself to scribble a few lines to you. It is snowing quite hard now. We expected company today, but it has snowed so nobody came and we ate our Thanksgiving dinner alone.
I don’t see why you did not get in that barrel and come down. We would have been very glad to see you. It seems as if I would never be able to get up to see you, try as I will.
The winter has sot in very early this year. I hate to see so much snow fall before Christmas. The winter seems so much longer when we have snow so early.
I have had a fearful cold on my lungs and a gathering in my head’ have not got over it yet, although I am better, but the weather is so changeable every one seems to have colds
Ida Clinton was here the week before Thanksgiving. All were well then. How is Aida and Lon getting along?
But it is half past 11 and I am very tired and guess you are too. So I must say good night sweetheart and hope to hear from you very soon again.
Ever your affectionate Addie