Jennie Crawford, Swamp Mills, N.Y., to Lillie Austin, Bethel
February 7, 1902
Dear Lillie,
Last Saturday night there were 30 of us skating up in Highland Lake. What a good time we had. I wished you were with us to enjoy it, too. I got home 25 minutes to 2.
Sunday night I went skating up to Swamp Mills. Monday afternoon I saw Mr. Perry and State inspector Symes. Perry said you were sure of your third grade.
Jennie J. Crawford
Jennie Crawford later married George Crandall. At some point they lived in the house James Eldred built in 1830, which is no longer there.
Jennie and Lillie Austin (Calkin) were lifetime close friends. Lillie was the great-granddaughter of James Eldred.