1889 DeVenoge Boarding House

L. DeVenoge, MD, Eldred, Sullivan County, N.Y.

    7 miles from Shohola, transportation $1.60
    double room, adults $8 to $12; servants $8; discount for season.
    Good fishing; boats free.

Dr. Leon DeVenoge owned a lot of property around Round Pond, which would one day be called Lake DeVenoge. The DeVenoge Boarding House was featured in the 1889 Erie R.R. brochure.

Aida Austin mentioned Dr. DeVenoge several times in her 1881 Diary.

Dr. and Mrs. DeVenoge died before 1900. They were buried in the Old Eldred Cemetery.

DeVenoge Marker in Old Eldred Cemetery.
Photo courtesy of Cousin Cynthia.

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