Echo Hill and Mountain Grove Update

Echo Hill and Mountain Grove will be the second book in the series, Memoirs from Eldred, New York, 1800 to 1950.

This second book will tell the story of the many boarding houses in the Town of Highland, starting in 1880. Echo Hill Farm House belonged to my Leavenworth great-grandparents. Mountain Grove House belonged first to my Austin great-grandparents and then my Austin grandparents.

Some of the other families who are part of the story include: Bradley (Avery, Hazen, Horton), Parker, Schoonover (Parker, Britt and Waidler), Stevens, Mills, Boyd, Asendorf, and 4 or 5 Myers/Meyers families.

I’ll write more about the book as it gets closer to being printed (probably 4 to 6 months away).

I have lots of information, photos and postcards from a number of sources that is really appreciated and very helpful in writing the story.

Recently I received a box of Austin letters/information from my newly found Austin cousin, Kathy T. In my next post, I will include some pages from the memory book of Laura Austin Clark that is quite fascinating.

My mother saved a wealth of family information, including letters that girls from all over the U.S. wrote to my Uncle McKinley in World War I. I will post some of those letters as I have time.

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