March 1862

U.S.S. Onondaga, a double-turreted monitor, on the James River, Va., 1864. Photo: National Archives photo no. 111-B-368.

Washington, March 1, 1862
Dear Friends,
One thing you wrote that you had about made up your mind to enlist. You had better take my advice and not come.

You would likely have a nice ride coming here, but you would get nothing but a hardboard to sleep on and we do not have a good living as we got up to Newburgh. If you will mind what I write, you will be better off. Besides, it is purty certain we will move after payday which is in a few days.

We was mustered in for pay yesterday. I intend to send 40 dollars home. Vanwyck has left his seat in Congress for to take charge of his regiment.

I received that paper you sent to me and was very glad to get it. That box has not got here yet. We can get cake and such things, but it is better what comes from home.

You must not enlist for anything. You will be sorry if you do. You could get in this company. If you did, you would go in the company that you enlisted in. You had better let it alone. S.S. Leavenworth

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