April and May 1932

Austin Smith drives the care he bought for his 21st birthday in 1931. The car is in front of Ira Austin's house. Photo courtesy of CW.
Austin Smith drives the care he bought for his 21st birthday in 1931. The car is in front of Ira Austin’s house. Photo courtesy of CW.

May 1932
• Charles A. Lindbergh Jr., infant son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, kidnapped and later found dead not far from his home.

• Amelia Earhart’s transatlantic flight in her single engine Lockheed Vega 5B from Newfoundland landed in Northern Ireland instead of Paris due to winds, icy conditions, and mechanical problems.

Continuing Ella Sergeant Leavenworth’s 1932 Diary.

April 1932
The first week of April, Bill Meyers bought a new Dodge car. Clinton worked on the Methodist Church Hall. Tom Hill and family, and Austin Smith visited one evening.

Mid-April Austin Smith and Frank Hill were in for music lessons [from Garfield]. Jim played all day with the Eldridge boys—perhaps William and Charles, the sons of Harriet Hill from her first marriage.

Garfield started on a contract barn building job. Clinton worked for the County at Hurleyville.

May 1932
Ed and Mabel Smith (Austin Smith’s parents) called on Monday, the second day of May.

Tuesday Ella did some spring cleaning. She washed quilts and more quilts and cleaned two bedrooms. Clara helped her clean the rest of the upstairs.

Kate Love’s mother called one day and another day Claude Angell stopped by and bought six hens.

Saturday Martin (Garfield’s brother) was at Garfield and Ella’s for the day.

Sunday evening, May 8, Kate and John Love, and Everett Kelley visited the Leavenworths.

Thursday, May 12, the body of the Lindy baby was found.

Mid-May the Leavenworths’ old Model-T Ford was back from the garage. Garfield was learning to drive. His license plates arrived a week later. That day Garfield fought a fire from 1 to 7. Everett went with Garfield when he drove his Ford for the first time.

Friday, May 27, Anna left on a trip with the high school at 7 p.m.

Saturday Clinton was home for the weekend. He boarded during the week to be close to 
his job.

Hazel, Walter, Marion, and Marjorie Connor arrived from Massachusetts. They visited Frank and Anna Sergeant on Sunday and started for home Monday.

Clinton and Jim went to the ball game at Glen Spey. Tuesday, the last day of May, Clinton went back to work. Kate Love visited.
Farewell to Eldred, p. 121–3

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