4. What is the News? October 29, 1869

On October 29, 1869, Chester answered Emma’s letter. She had asked him when he would be in Lumberland. Apparently, there had been a problem before with Hina (possibly Henrietta, Emma’s oldest sister).

Chester asked about his Halfway Brook students, many of whom are mentioned in The Mill on Halfway Brook.

Maria Myers before she married  in 1874. "Where is  Maria Myers, and all of the schollars that came to school last winter?"
Maria Myers before she married in 1874. “Where is Maria Myers, and all of the schollars that came to school last winter?”

Last page of Chester's October 1869 Letter.
Last page of Chester’s October 1869 Letter.
October 29, 1869
Walton, New York

Friend Emma,
I will now spend a few moments in writing to you. I s’pose you have thought many times that you would never hear from me again. But I will disappoint you once.

You wish me to let you know when I would be in Lumberland again. I do not know at present. I have just returned from the Institute…

I guess I must stay all night if I come out ever again. As to the excitement I care nothing about. The more the better I am pleased. If I stay at your house you will have to make it all right with Hina before I come. What is Hina doing now?

I suppose you are teaching ere this. Tell me where and how much you get per week.

I shall teach again this winter if I can get a school to suit me.

How did school meeting pass off? Who is trustee and who teaches your school this winter.

    What is the news in general? How does Will Kyte and Julia get along? [They will marry.]

    Maria Young, where is she? I suppose Adda Eldred is teaching now, also Rebecca [Eldred]?

    Where is Jane [Eldred], R. James, Maggie Hills, Maria Myers, and all of the schollars that came to school last winter?

    If you will send me one of your pictures I will try and return the compliment.

    Write when you get this given the news. Give my love to Hina.

    Yours truly, Chester Beers

Note: Adda, Rebecca and Jane Eldred erre daughters of Emma’s uncle C.C.P. and aunt Effa Eldred.

Previous Posts
1. Is that the New Teacher?
2. The Math Tutor
3. Chester Beers to Friend Emma, Correspondence Continues

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