17. Lumberland Schoolhouse and Teachers, April to December 1872

Is that the schoolhouse on the left? Early four corners of Eldred, looking south, pre-1900. Photo Courtesy of MAB.
Is that the schoolhouse on the left? Early four corners of Eldred, looking south, pre-1900. Photo Courtesy of MAB.
Along with describing her disgust at their schoolhouse, Emma’s April 1872 letters to her mother included her love of writing poetry.

Mr. Lindsley was one of the school teachers. Rebecca Eldred (age 30 in 1872) was Emma’s cousin. Chester asked about “Beck” in a couple of his letters.

Emma, Albany Normal, to Her Mother, April 7, 1872
My Dear Mother,
I was very sorry to…hear that Mr. Lindsley had lost his speech. I do not believe he will ever get over the effects of his winter’s teaching in Halfway Brook (which we call Lumberland). That schoolhouse is enough to kill anyone and ought to be burned down…

…I have been drawing maps and studying rules and explanations all day…I might better spend it in writing poetry, do not you think so?

…I suppose school will soon commence in the Village. Tell me the teacher’s name as soon as you know. I am interested to know if Beck takes it. Do you ever hear from Mr. Lindsley any more?
With best love to all, I remain, Ever your aff. Edith

Emma to Her Mother, May 19, 1872
My Dear Mother,
…I received a letter from Mary Darling last week. She thinks Maria Tassaskmass ought to take the village school and board at Sergeant’s…With love to all, and especially my mother, I am as ever, E.E.A.

Emma to Her Mother, December 29, 1872
Emma stayed in Albany over Christmas and hoped to visit home in January.

My dear Mother,
…I am so tired; and I cannot rest anywhere except at home…So Bea has taken the school again. That old building ought to be burned down. It is a perfect shame to have school in such a place…Ever your aff. Emma
The Mill on Halfway Brook, pp. 165–172.

Previous Posts
1. Is that the New Teacher?
2. The Math Tutor
3. Chester Beers to Friend Emma, Correspondence Continues
4. What is the News? October 29, 1869
5. The Merry Laugh of the Village School
6. Teaching Advice in a Poem
7. I Would Not Wait for Erie’s Train
8. 1870 Highland
9. Mrs. Prindle’s Soliloquy
10. February 28, 1870, What Is the News?
11. Who Teaches in the Village, April 1870
12. Fair Hagan’s Pool, June 1870
13. Shades of Night, 1870
14. Deposit, New York, 1871
15. Dear Father, January 1872
16. Emma Attends Albany Normal, March 1872

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