19. I Have Been Very Busy This Summer, August 30, 1873

Fifth Ave., NYC. Postcard, 1906.
Fifth Ave., NYC. Postcard, 1906.
Broadway, NYC, ca. 1870. LOC: 1s06734.
Broadway, NYC, ca. 1870. LOC: 1s06734.
The Great Financial Panic of 1873: Run on the 4th National Bank. LOC: 3a37788.
The Great Financial Panic of 1873: Run on the 4th National Bank. LOC: 3a37788.
Emma was in New York City with her Eldred-Austin Cousins when Chester wrote her in August 1873. They continued to negotiate over photos. Chester’s mention of Jennie, may refer to his fiancé, who he married in November.

The October 1873 financial panic will have ramifications for Emma’s father, in 1876.

Walton, New York, August 30, 1873
Friend Emma,
Your last letter is at hand, contents noted also preceding one written sometime ago which I have neglected to answer. “Please excuse me for writing again.” Certainly wish I might get a chance to excuse you many times more.

As to the picture I will keep my promise or send me your “better one” and when I get some more taken you shall be remembered.

As we grow old we change and I would like to keep it to compare with one some years hence if it should be allotted us to be in this world then. I am one that prizes very much olden relics. I am satisfied with the one I have (your will not mine).

Then you wish to know how often I will write. Well that’s pretty hard to tell. I have been very busy this Summer or I should have written before now.

No, I am not fearful of losing all trace of my friends in Sullivan…yet I would like to know where some are and call and see them.

Poor Jennie! First offer. Now is my time. I don’t think she is in fun. But she’s had an offer before now. I am too late. Jennie is a baby name I believe. Jane is or ought to be her name.

How long will you stay in the City? I would like to see you but can’t.

One of our neighbors Martin Fish (he likes to flirt) is going to New York in a few days. I was telling him of you and showing your picture—he said he would like to make you a call so I gave him your name and No, his people are first class society. He may call and may not.

Yes, according to your story you have been a good girl.

Please excuse me for this time as I am in a great hurry just now. I will post this by next mail.

Yours truly, Chester Beers
Write when you get this.

Chester Marries
Chester married Janet R. Nichols, on November 10, 1873.

Previous Posts
1. Is that the New Teacher?
2. The Math Tutor
3. Chester Beers to Friend Emma, Correspondence Continues
4. What is the News? October 29, 1869
5. The Merry Laugh of the Village School
6. Teaching Advice in a Poem
7. I Would Not Wait for Erie’s Train
8. 1870 Highland
9. Mrs. Prindle’s Soliloquy
10. February 28, 1870, What Is the News?
11. Who Teaches in the Village, April 1870
12. Fair Hagan’s Pool, June 1870
13. Shades of Night, 1870
14. Deposit, New York, 1871
15. Dear Father, January 1872
16. Emma Attends Albany Normal, March 1872
17. Lumberland Schoolhouse, 1872
18. Verdant Meadows, June 1, 1873

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